TCL Salad

The CL Salad

  • Author: Hind Al-Rumaihi
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Category: Salad
  • Cuisine: Healthy
  • Diet: Halal


If I were asked what my perfect salad is, this would be it. I combined all my favourite salads into one to bring you The Crave List salad. It's gorgeous, nutrient packed and fulfilling.

This is also prepped in a way to lure in those who don't eat salads or those who say "salads are boring", I'm here to prove you wrong and hope you enjoy this as much as I did!



  1. Pre-packed salad leafy mix
  2. 1/2 Haas Mexican avocado
  3. 1/2 large cucumber
  4. 1/2 pack cherry tomatoes
  5. 1 chicken breast
  6. 1/4 tsp turmeric
  7. 1/4 tsp cumin
  8. 1/4 tsp soy sauce (or balsamic)
  9. Goat cheese round slice (store bought)
  10. 1 cup of milk
  11. 1 egg
  12. 1 tsp white vinegar
  13. 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  14. 1/2  cup breadcrumbs
  15. Salt & pepper to taste
  16. Pinch of white pepper
  17. 1/4 cup olive oil


  1. Wash and slice the veggies (cucumber, tomato) and put aside.
  2. Wash and strain the salad pack. Cover and put it in the fridge so the leafy greens stay fresh, cold and crisp.
  3. For the chicken: lightly marinate the chicken breast with turmeric, cumin and drizzle of soy sauce. Grill on each side until golden brown (about 5 mins on each side). Slice and set aside.
  4. For the goat cheese: Set aside 3 bowls. Bowl #1: buttermilk egg mixture (mix 1 cup milk with 1 tsp vinegar then add the egg and continue mixing until combined). Bowl #2: Mix All-purpose flour and a pinch of white pepper. Bowl #3: breadcrumbs. Take the cold piece of goat cheese and dip in the bowls in this order: Bowl 1, Bowl 2, Bowl 1, Bowl 3.
  5. Heat a skillet with olive oil. Transfer cheese immediately to skillet and cook until golden brown on one side, then flip and continue cooking till the cheese is coated with a golden crisp. Set aside.
  6. Slice 1/2 avocado thinly and spread with the base of your hand.
  7. Assembly: Place the mixed greens on the bottom and along the side of the plate place the cucumber, sliced avocado, tomatoes and chicken. Place the cheese in the center.
  8. Optional: garnish cheese with herbs and a drizzle of honey.

Keywords: easy salad healthy recipe delicious goat cheese avocado grilled chicken summer

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